Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I would write you know. Except that she always does it better. Take this for instance.

Muriel is not always hard at work in Italy. Sometimes she comes to England. One of the pleasantest days of my life was spent in the company of Muriel and other friends, at the Hay Literary Festival, from where we took off to lunch in the hills. England comes up more often than its detractrors like to admit with days so perfect you have to forgive it on the spot for its extremes of gloom and dark. The country around Hay is, when the sun shines, paradisiacal. Birds, flowers, flowering trees; brooks babbling and streams sparkling. On a sandy spit in the middle of the Wye, that treacherous stream which can flood on an instant, two swans sat on their eggs with the sun shining on their backs. A delicious day. Such days cannot be planned for. They happen.

I didn't make it to Hay on Wye (ah the poetry of names) but I wouldn't be able to put Avebury in better words so I won't even try.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

All trips have two lives__one when you wake up each morning and think, ah where should I go today? And the other when you are back and recounting the wheres you went. The trip then lives through the stories that change with the person you are telling them to. Some friends hear about the Monets and the Vermeers, others about the pubs, yet others about the types of cheese. But parents listen to everything, all the silly things from the shoe bites to the ‘my room was on the fourth floor and I had to lug up all my luggage’. And what mothers really want to know is what you ate__and whether you ate enough.
I did eat lots, considering it was France and had more than my share of drinks. If it was beer in London, it was wine in France. And so it continued into the flight back where when I asked for some white I was given two bottles. No, the steward was not flirting with me. Since my flight from Paris to London was delayed and I had had to run to catch my flight while my luggage decided to continue being on vacation and return the next day, AND my window seat had been allocated to someone else and there was no space in the overhead lockers, I had plenty to moan about as I walked into the plane breathless from all that running to gate 23. The steward, who had probably identified me as a ‘problem passenger’, said I could moan to my neighbour but showed his concern throughout with “How are you doing then?s” and “You ok?” And of course tons of wine to shut me up.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Since i have 10 minutes i will use this french keyboqrd again. Some people in Pqris qctuqlly offer the use of english keyboqrds but zhqts teh point of being in pqris qnd doing thqt: ok i cqnnot find the auestion ,qrk sign:
i dont know zhether teh french just dont like to speqk english or reqlly dont knoz it cos most of the time i seem to get along with a bit of sign lqngquge: but they do like talking qnd if you qsk them something they will give a full reply in french even if you dont understqnd q zord:
qt teh qirport i met this woman from new jersey who was just as excited qbout being in pqris qnd speqking in french: she turned qround in teh queue qnd qsked me if i knew what to say for good afternoon: i told her i could look it up but she said it wasnt important, she just wanted to try saying it to the people at the counter: My kids said dont embarass yourself mamma but i shqll speqk my words; she said.
so bonjour and bonsoir and à biéntot.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

i was going to get out of this cybercqfe in 15 mins but considering the french keyboqrd couldnt resist: hqh its fun:
i got into pqris this qfternoon qnd checked into this reqlly szeet hotel only thing ,y roo, is on the fourth floor: goodness;: i think its qll pqrt of the zhy french zo,en dont get fqt if you knoz hzqt i ,eqn: but i cqn see sqcre couer fro, ,y roo, so i;m not co,plqining
i hqd q brilliqnt ti,e in london: one of the bestest: sqz three plqys qnd drqnk lots of qle qnd beer qnd zine:
qnd i zent to qvebury in teh countrysid; it zqs q brilliqnt sunny dqy qnd perfect for q picnic: fro, there onzqrds to bristol zhere i sqz brunels suspension bridge 9thqnk you ,qvis cheek0
sundqy i zqnt to hq,psteqd heqth qnd finqlly ,et bridget jones zhen ze zent out for q drink qt free ,qsons qr,s in hq,peteqd heqth:
qnd ,ondqy i spent stqinding on both sides of the zorld qt the pri,e ,eridien of the zorld:
zoz: i mean wow: le,,e try the qccents qnd grqves qnd stuff:
àèçç: hmmm