i was going to get out of this cybercqfe in 15 mins but considering the french keyboqrd couldnt resist: hqh its fun:
i got into pqris this qfternoon qnd checked into this reqlly szeet hotel only thing ,y roo, is on the fourth floor: goodness;: i think its qll pqrt of the zhy french zo,en dont get fqt if you knoz hzqt i ,eqn: but i cqn see sqcre couer fro, ,y roo, so i;m not co,plqining
i hqd q brilliqnt ti,e in london: one of the bestest: sqz three plqys qnd drqnk lots of qle qnd beer qnd zine:
qnd i zent to qvebury in teh countrysid; it zqs q brilliqnt sunny dqy qnd perfect for q picnic: fro, there onzqrds to bristol zhere i sqz brunels suspension bridge 9thqnk you ,qvis cheek0
sundqy i zqnt to hq,psteqd heqth qnd finqlly ,et bridget jones zhen ze zent out for q drink qt free ,qsons qr,s in hq,peteqd heqth:
qnd ,ondqy i spent stqinding on both sides of the zorld qt the pri,e ,eridien of the zorld:
zoz: i mean wow: le,,e try the qccents qnd grqves qnd stuff:
àèçç: hmmm
i got into pqris this qfternoon qnd checked into this reqlly szeet hotel only thing ,y roo, is on the fourth floor: goodness;: i think its qll pqrt of the zhy french zo,en dont get fqt if you knoz hzqt i ,eqn: but i cqn see sqcre couer fro, ,y roo, so i;m not co,plqining
i hqd q brilliqnt ti,e in london: one of the bestest: sqz three plqys qnd drqnk lots of qle qnd beer qnd zine:
qnd i zent to qvebury in teh countrysid; it zqs q brilliqnt sunny dqy qnd perfect for q picnic: fro, there onzqrds to bristol zhere i sqz brunels suspension bridge 9thqnk you ,qvis cheek0
sundqy i zqnt to hq,psteqd heqth qnd finqlly ,et bridget jones zhen ze zent out for q drink qt free ,qsons qr,s in hq,peteqd heqth:
qnd ,ondqy i spent stqinding on both sides of the zorld qt the pri,e ,eridien of the zorld:
zoz: i mean wow: le,,e try the qccents qnd grqves qnd stuff:
àèçç: hmmm
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